Monday, July 27, 2009

Menu Plan Monday -27 July

Another Monday has arrived. I have such a pile of laundry. I've been hoping for some good days, but I'll have to give in and use the dryer today -we are out of face cloths. Not too much planned for this week, not officially anyway I have a few things I would like to get accomplished. Nothing too exciting on the menu this week, I seemed to be having a brain cramp last night :) Maybe I'll look through some cookbooks and come up with a surprise or two.

toasted tomato sandwich -the first from the garden, peanut butter and honey for the crazy non-tomato eaters

spaghetti and Swiss garlic bread

grocery day

chicken a la king -leftover chicken from Saturday


roast beef -since I'll be using the oven, I will likely roast some potatoes


l/o chicken a la king

hot dogs and chips

l/o roast beef

mac & cheese for Daddy and Ella, pierogies for Momma

pork chops on the BBQ

hamburgers and salad

hot beef sandwiches and french fries

Don't forget to head over to I'm an Organizing Junkie for more menu ideas.

I have a new favourite website. It's called Mennonite Girls Can Cook. There are so many great sounding recipes. I tried a bunch this weekend:

Swiss Garlic Bread

Cheesy Onion Burger Buns -I'd make these thinner, but that's our family preference

Crispy Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies

Peanut Butter Swirl Cookies -ok, I'll be honest, I haven't made this one yet but it's on the plan for today.
UPDATE: these cookies are yummy. I had to put the extras in the freezer to keep Daddy from eating them all! They were easy to roll because I used my silicone baking sheet, I would think parchment would have worked too.


Becca said...

Hey now...I am a crazy non-tomato nice! lol

Paula said...

:) Colin and Ella will eat spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce, ketchup, and a million other things based on tomatoes, but heaven help me if I give them a fresh, tasty, ripe tomato :)