Monday, June 8, 2020

Menu Plan Monday -8 June 2020

We're still enjoying the last few days of beautiful temperatures.  It's supposed to get crazy hot later this week.  It's been so nice, my lungs have appreciated the lack of humidity.  Speaking of my lungs, I have to go back up to the hospital this evening.  I'm still 'this close' to a cough all. the. time!  Also, if I breathe the 'wrong' way I can still feel the rattle and will start coughing.  So, if you could send up some prayers around 4:30 my time, I'd appreciate it.  Send some for Ella too, she worries a lot when I have to go to the hospital.




my favourite roast beef


steak -my air fryer does a great job


leftover roast beef


French fries -air fryer again. Poutine for me since I have great gravy.


beef melts



More great ideas at I'm an Organizing Junkie

For some reason the lilacs around here were really lackluster.  Like the bushes are half dead and none of them really tried to flower much.  The weirdest thing was the light lilac coloured ones - they mostly came out white this year!!  On the other hand, my bridal wreath spireas look amazing...

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