Monday, June 1, 2020

Menu Plan Monday -1 June 2020

The first of June already?  But then again, May is often a blur of seed cleaning and cropping.  How's your spring going so far?  The last week or so we've been having a heat wave.  Last Wednesday we actually hit 37C (98.6F) plus humidity for a 'feels like' temperature of about 41C (105F).  That was quite the shock to the system considering how chilly we've been for most of May.  We finally got some rain starting Thursday evening (and some every day through to Sunday).  Along with that rain came a glorious cold front.  Though we could have done without the frost scare Saturday night.  It's been so wonderful in the house on the weekend.  I've been baking up a storm and have the week's worth of bread (and then some) tucked into the freezer waiting.  The crops look fabulous, the rain came just in time and was just what they needed.

I've jumped on the quarantine sourdough bandwagon.  I've tried years before but could never make it work and usually just given up.  This time I did a fair bit of searching on Pinterest and found some really specific (aka actual time table) feeding and baking instructions.  It's turned out much better this time.  So far I've made pizza dough, English muffins (yum!), biscuits (Ella liked these), French bread, and peanut butter cookies.  We haven't got reviews on the bread or cookies yet, well Ella found the cookies tasted 'yeasty' but I also may have under-cooked them a bit.

My Menu Plan Monday will be a little different for the foreseeable future.  I can't seem to 'meal plan' these days.  So I'll give you meals for 'the week that was' instead of the upcoming one.  Considering the hot and humid will be back, that's easier -sometimes I'm/the house's just too hot to cook.


garlic beef noodle bowls


pizza -on the BBQ with the new dough recipe


Chip Pit -woo hoo 'our' chip truck was finally open






chicken chow mein


chicken quarters in my air fryer

Did I ever tell you that Belinda and Stefan got us an air fryer for Christmas?  Best. Present. Ever!!  I have used it so many times since the new year.  I makes the best chicken and hamburgers - I think better than the BBQ. It makes great French fries (tater tots and hash browns too).  I really asked for it to make cake and bread in the summer time so it won't heat the house in the summer.  So far I haven't found anything that doesn't work in the fryer and there's lots of recipes on Pinterest.

Check out I'm an Organizing Junkie for more ideas.

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