Guess what? I haven’t been just a lazy and bad housewife for the last 2.5 months, I actually have pneumonia!! My friend’s husband is a doctor at the local hospital. She texted me to say he was working the walk-in there and there was no one waiting – perfect time to go. So I headed up there last Wednesday at 5. Got through triage and they were so shocked by my coughing for 2.5 months and the fact that I could feel rattling in my lungs they actually sent me to emerg. instead. Five hours later (a chainsaw accident came in after me at obviously took priority) I’d had an EKG (no idea why they did that), blood work, and a chest x-ray and finally some answers. So now I’m on 2 different antibiotics and more Prednesone. I started feeling better by Saturday. I haven’t had a nap for a few days now (instead of an hour ever afternoon!). It feels so good to finally find a doctor that cares. I tried to get help from my usual clinic but they insisted on doing phone appointments. Not sure how you are supposed to treat a lung problem over the phone??

I finished my sweater. I made the body a little longer and the sleeves a little shorter. This is the best part of a top-down sweater, it’s easy to make it fit my 5 ft frame. I need to wait for Fabricland to open to get some buttons, but then again I don’t usually wear my sweaters buttoned. I’ve worn it a few times already and I love it. I must be feeling better, I organized the giant mess that is my knitting corner in the living room. I even sorted through my knitting needles and used an inventory sheet so I can see what I need and which ones I have lots. I actually think I may have enough that I can get rid of all the hideous old circulars from the 80’s-90’s. You know, the ones with the plastic cable that never uncurls. The likes of Chiagoo and Knit Picks have spoiled me and I no longer want to fight with my needles.
Cropping is coming along well. Colin is just about done. Only a few places to fill in that were too wet earlier. We are still in need of gentle, appropriate amounts of rain.
What are your thoughts on masks? We aren’t required to wear them, but some of the stores around here are going to require them. Fabricland for sure wants masks. For some reason the thought of making them gives me anxiety. I don’t know what to do.

This is an older picture, but I don’t have a willing model today to show you the wild plum trees. They are finally starting to flower. I guess spring has decided to arrive! I’m looking forward to turning the heat off and opening the windows. We tried yesterday, but the house got really chilly. The temperature got down to 65F and Colin gave in and put the fire back on. This is the only problem with a fire based heat system. It’s hard to keep the fire going this time of year without overheating the house. Has spring arrived where you are?
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