Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Day 46, and Counting ...

I feel like I'm failing at this pandemic protocol.   Every one else seems to have so much time and energy.   I haven't even been doing a lot of knitting.   I did finish 99% of this sweater, but I really didn't like how it turned out.  So I ripped it all out and found a new pattern.   It's another top-down pattern.   Whoever figured out how to do set-in sleeves this way was a genius!  I like how it's turning out.  I'm using the one bunch of yarn Colin gave me at Christmas.

I did re-organize the chest freezer and I organized (but didn't clean) my kitchen cupboards.  Now my canned goods are upstairs instead of rusting in the basement.

Seed cleaning season is finished for the spring.  Colin has been busy out in the fields this week.  Today I had to take lunch to the field.  Colin is planting our spring wheat.  We could actually use some gentle rain, the fields are very dry.

Yesterday was a special day

It was Mom's 72nd birthday!!  And before you say anything, Ella hasn't been around anyone for 44 days and Grandma has only been to the pharmacy (she waits till it's empty).  Also, there is very little virus activity up here in the County (thank God).  We've decided that it's safe for Ella to hug Grandma again -which is what both of them needed.  Ella's hair looks so red in the sunshine.  She wants to make it even redder, we're looking into using henna.  Any one here use henna before??
I guess that's about it for now.  I have more organizing on my to-do list, but we'll see.

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