Thursday, January 10, 2013

Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real -10 January -Snow Edition

pretty, happy, funny, real

We've had such a lovely amount of snow since before Christmas.  This is really 'February' snow, not 'December' snow.  Ella's been having a great time.
phfr-10 jan -kite
Daddy was able to take some time out from his busy day to do some kite flying with Ella.  It is so huge!  But it flies so easily.
phfr-10 jan -sled
Ella tried using her crazy carpet (from Christmas) but I think she needs a longer hill for that to work.  So Daddy pulled out 'old faithful', his wooden toboggan.  
phfr-10 jan -nighties
Of course it wouldn't be  a Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real post without my Pretty girl.  Here's Ella and Olivia in their matching 1860 nightgowns.
phfr -10 jan -real
And here's the Real just to show you how much snow we've really got.  Colin keeps my garden path clear so that pork/egg customers can find their way to the house.

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