Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Christmas is Coming

Plum Pudding Served for a Frontier Family's Christmas Dinner, 1800s
Plum Pudding Served for a Frontier Family's Christmas Dinner, 1800s

Christmas is my favourite season. I love to be ready early so I can enjoy the season. Doesn't hurt that I get to avoid the crazy Christmas stores. We try to keep Christmas reasonable. I make a lot of our gifts or else they are 'sensible' gifts.

To keep myself sane, I have found a couple great resources on the net. The first is FlyLady. She is wonderful for organizing my life, not just at Christmas. I love her different "Control Journals", especially the travel one. The next one is Organized Christmas. They also have great "holiday journal" ideas. I've used both site to come up with my own Christmas Journal. It keeps me on track. This is why I'm done most of my Christmas shopping and am ready to start my baking and house cleaning and decorating. No more running around like a crazy person in December.

I want to post my Christmas journal for everyone to share, but can't seem to figure out how. If there are any 'techie' type folks out there who can help. Please do :)

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