Thursday, September 17, 2009

Secret Revealed -Sort of...

Well I'm back from the RNP and I'm not sure how much further ahead I am. The u/s found a cyst that isn't "simple", i.e., part of a woman's natural cycle. But they have no idea what it is. The RNP said because I'm only 30 (update: don't know what I was thinking, I'm really 38) it's "probably" not ovarian cancer. That's not much of a reassurance.

So now I still have to have a new u/s and the ct scan. I don't have to drink junk for it, it goes in by IV. That's even worse news. I have such needle issues (though I can now get one by myself). When I had Ella I had to have one -even wanted one because I was tired of throwing up every time they made me have a drink, I finally refused to drink anymore. I'm not exaggerating here: it took 2 attempts with 4 people holding my arm for the nurse to get it in!!! Luckily, Colin isn't too busy and will be able to come with me. He can help hold my arm and explain to the nurses.

It's just something I can't control, no matter how hard I try. I had to have allergy testing done when I was 3. It involved waaaaay too many needles. Mom said I was fine with needles before then, but after ... In the past I've jumped so hard needles have come out and gone in again. One time I had to have a tb test done (for school) and I had my arm so tensed the nurse couldn't get the needle to go in my skin :) Needless to say, my wonderful Mom never made me get immunized at school, we always did it at the doctor.

So that's my news that isn't news. The annoying thing is that if I had of kept my mouth shut about the u/s tech comments, none of this would be going on because I feel fine. I'm even pretty healthy as far as I usually am. On top of it all, I caught a headcold from being at the hospital with all the sick people. I just hope it stays in my head, it's too early in the year to start with my post-cold, 3 month long, asthma cough.


Unknown said...

God bless you! I went through similar health issues when I was young (except the needle one). I was miserable most months, and no chance to get off my feet until the midwife/PA ordered me to. I had a couple of fibroids removed finally, and end of problems! When I was thirty, the only option was a hysterectomy, and I am terrified of osteoporosis, so that was out.

As for the lingering cough after colds - try a mild coltsfoot tea while sick, with a bit of fresh ginger root and natural honey. It may stop that before it starts. I just did that for a bad head cold and it worked. Add yarrow if the rhinitis is driving you crazy...

Anonymous said...

I'll keep praying. A friend of mine was asking me what my Canadian friends thought about (your) health care, since it's socialized - with all the talk here in the states about health care reform I guess she's just curious.

Paula said...

Kimberly, I thank God, often, for our socialized health care. Take these ultrasounds and the ct scan for example (let alone the scope and MRI they've mentioned), how on earth would we be able to afford those tests??? Luckily we don't have to worry about that. I just show up for my appointment and show my health card. We have to pay for prescription drugs, but the government has an insurance policy that's geared to income. That too is a God send since private insurance is beyond our means.

I just can't understand why the big deal in the States. Why should people go bankrupt/homeless just to stay alive? You would think "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" would include not having to weigh your child's health against the size of your bank account.

Magdalena, thanks for the suggestion. I'll look at the health food store next time I'm in town. The crazy thing with all that's going on now is that I have no symptoms (other than irregularity but that's the PCOS too). I'm not in pain or anything.