Tuesday, July 31, 2018

"New" Tire

So what happened last week?  I guess I’ll start at the start and work up to the big event.
The combine needs a new tire.  New tires this size cost about $2800.  I’ll let that sink in a moment.  2800 dollars. Per. Tire.  Yeah.
Now, you’re probably saying that there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with the old tire.  You are sort of right.  As of right now, it was still holding air and had a ‘decent’ enough tread left.  So why replace it?  Because it has a LOT of vertical checks around the centre that flex and open while driving.  Now consider how much a combine weighs empty, then add the weight of the grain/corn.  On top of that you have to consider the amount of driving we have to do on the Trans Canada Highway to get from field to home.  Not exactly the place you want to be with a blown combine tire.
Colin made a few phone calls around and managed to find a decent used one.  He thinks the tire store didn’t realize the value of the tire because they only wanted $300 (plus installation).
The guy came on Tuesday and it took most of the morning .

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