Monday, November 23, 2015

Daybook -23 November 2015

For Today…  23 November 2015
Outside my window…feels like winter today.  It's only -8 C (17.6F) this morning.  But since it's only 7:30 it will likely warm up.
I am thinking… about Christmas and working on my shopping list.  I want to get it finished before the stores get crazy.
I am thankful… that Colin got all the corn combined and we won't have to worry about it all winter.  Now just to wait and hope prices go up so that we can sell our stored corn at a profit.
I am wearing… my nightgown  :)
I am creating… need to get working on a skirt for my Guide uniform.
I am going… no where, it's an 'at home' day today.
I am wondering…if I have time to knit a present before Christmas??
I am reading… school books.  After being off a while being sick, we need to get back to school.
I am hoping… it snows soon.  Ella really wants to play in the snow.  And since Daddy's done, it's OK to hope for snow.
In my kitchen…Christmas pudding -or will be soon.  Yesterday was Stir-Up Sunday.  Ella was at Grandma's yesterday, so we're doing it this morning.
In the homeschool room… cooking and then back at the 'regular' stuff.
One of my favorite things… getting ready to start my Christmas baking.  Already been to Bulk Barn so I'm all set!
I'm not this good.  I wouldn't even try to do fair isle work while walking and carrying buckets.  But I love this picture

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