Friday, September 13, 2013

Farm Girl Friday -13 September 2013

Farm Girl Friday

There has been some construction going on around the Farm these days.  Colin has built some new pens for the laying hens.  Right now they are up in the hay loft with a 'ladder'.  It is almost impossible for this Farm Girl to climb up to the loft, it is completely impossible for me to get down carrying a full egg pail.

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Look!  They even have proper doors that open and close, without having to know the 'secret'.  That means the chickens will stay in the pens even when I'm inside getting eggs.  No more worries about escapees.

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The pens were completed just in time.  Our new 'ready to lay' hens arrived on Wednesday.  These are just regular laying hens.  We missed the 'order by' date to get more of the Black hens that I like.  These girls are already laying (even if the eggs are only 3/4 size).  Hopefully my egg customers didn't get too frustrated with the short supplies this summer.  We should be up to regular production in a couple of weeks.

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