Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Sad Day

Mom and Dad OL

We lost the most wonderful woman last night.  My Mother In Law Isabel Fletcher passed away quietly surrounded by family and some dear friends.

We opted out of doing surgery, because even the best outcome wasn't the outcome Mom would have wanted.  It was obviously the right answer because as soon as they stopped doing all the heroic stuff they had been doing to prepare her for surgery and just kept doing all the stuff she basically needed, Mom was gone in less than an hour.  I am so grateful that Colin's uncle and his wife were back from BC for a while.  Irene was such a comfort for everyone all day.  She really helped Dad realize it was time to let Mom go.  She told us of a dream she had had Tuesday night.  Irene saw Mom standing in this glorious light, looking radiant, and healthy, and pain-free (something she hasn't been since a child).  She could see us all standing on one side of Mom, but Mom was facing away from us.  When she told us this dream I could see it so clearly myself!  That's Mom, there certainly is no question where she was going.  It took Dad most of the day to finally tell Mom 'good bye'.  But that was obviously what she needed to hear too.

There is going to be a giant hole in the United Church community of Cobden.  Mom was so active, she had just retired from her organist position but was always available when needed.  

She was the best Mother In Law.  Mom treated me like her daughter and she loved our Ella.  It's going to be hard without her.  Isabel may have been quirky, but we loved her so much.

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