Thursday, February 11, 2010


Luckily we missed out on all that snow that our neighbours to the south have gotten recently.   I must say, the pictures I have seen certainly have been beautiful.  But I do feel sorry for all those folks who aren't used to all that shovelling.  We don't need any snow right now, in fact we could still melt a bit more.   Colin is running out of corn in the bins and they need to head out to the field with the combine.  Unfortunately, the corn is really good at holding the snow.  What we could use right now is some warmer weather.  As much as I have been enjoying the sunshine -great for the February blues -I am tired of the cold.  Today isn't too bad, it's only 12F with a windchill of -1F.  It was rather cold at the arena today.  I should have worn my scarf.


Anonymous said...

If you don't mind, look west and blow some of that cold to BC! It's way too Springy, not good for hosting the winter games!!! The continent is certainly polarized at the moment with such extremes in the east and west! I wonder how long this going to go on???

Paula said...

After Colin gets some corn combined, I'd be happy to send the cold. I did wonder at having the Olympics in Vancouver. Not that they are known for warm weather :)